Hi, my name is Samil Abud
I'm a Full-Stack Web Developer!

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About me

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I'm a lover of code and developing logic, my passion is problem-solving. I would say I'm very curious because I always seeking new challenges to get better at myself.

Currently, I am a freelance developer at UpWork working with the Expensify application most of the time, I like to be involved in building software from scratch, optimizing applications, looking for bugs and fixing them, creating flowcharts, working to achieve great things together, looking for the best way to do the job and most of all "coding" 🤗.

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Current Personal Projects

React Native Project - Lacta Consejos

LactaConsejos is a cutting-edge mobile application developed in React Native with a primary goal: to raise awareness about breastfeeding. This app serves as a platform for publishing informative articles that promote and educate users on the benefits, techniques, and importance of breastfeeding. The app is powered by a custom-built API created by me with NodeJS and MongoDB and maintained with an Admin Web Page created with NextJS with TypeScript and MaterialUI, meticulously crafted to deliver a robust and efficient data pipeline. This API is designed to seamlessly feed the application with the latest and most relevant articles, ensuring that users have access to up-to-date and accurate information.

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NextJS and NestJS Project - NextWeatherWatch

NextWeatherWatch is a sleek and responsive weather application built with Next.js, styled with Tailwind CSS and based in Google Maps API. It provides real-time weather information for any location worldwide, offering a clean and intuitive user interface powered by an API created by me using NestJS called SamWeatherAPI which includes end-to-end testing using Jest.

See online Source Code

NASA Gallery - Mars Rover Photos

This is a Gallery of photos based on the API designed to collect image data gathered by NASA's Curiosity, Opportunity, and Spirit rovers on Mars. This project makes it possible for anyone (educators, and citizen scientists) to view the photos from anywhere in the world. Technology stack: NextJS, React, Tailwind, CSS3, Jest, RTL, ESLint, Prettier, UX/UI.

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React Native Project - Animal Adventures

Mobile App built with React Native, I used the Expo SDK to generate native android/ios code, Figma to adapt the design and animations. Also using lootie files to generate animal movement and React Hooks to control audios and it's optimizations.

View On Google Play Source Code

Mobile Project - Meals To Go

Restaurant mobile App built with React Native, I used the Expo SDK to generate native Android/IOS code, lootie to generate animations, expo/native libraries to control the behavior of the status bar, the camera, manage user gestures, integrate this with google maps, add screen navigations, and font integrations. I have also used Firebase to manage user registrations and authentications. This was created in 2021 but is updated to 2023.

See Demo Source Code

Web Project - E-commerce

Final Project created with Zero to Mastery team (Complete React Developer in 2021). Developed using React (Redux, Hooks,Saga, HOCs, GraphQL), integrated with Stripe and with Firebase. You can register and try to buy any item from your PC or from your Mobile. This use an API created by me called samecommercews

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Web Project - FaceRecognition

Final Project created with Zero to Mastery team (The Complete Web Developer in 2020). Built with React (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), this uses an API also created by me, at general way is based in NodeJS, Express, PostgreSQL with KnexJS. You can register and try to scan any image and this application will detect faces using Clarifai's AI. This is updated to 2023.

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React Project - ChartView

Web portal built with NextJS, uses the chart.js and lightweight-charts libraries to provide a live sample of how charts work and how they will be displayed on your website.

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NextJS Project - JokeJoy

This is a full-responsive website based in Server Side Render (SSR) to get the most famous jokes of the world, this is based on the Official Joke API. This project makes it possible for anyone to enjoy the jokes from anywhere in the world. Technology stack: NextJS, React, Tailwind, CSS3, Jest, RTL, ESLint, Prettier and from scratch the UX/UI.

See online Source Code

Web Project - RoboFriends

This project had been created with Zero to Mastery's team. Built with React (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), uses an API, is organized and optimized.

See online Source Code


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